I haven’t yet installed Ventura but I have had an occasion or two where I have needed to work on it and I bet I already know what’s driving you nuts.
Aside from the introduction of Stage Manager there is little, overt, differences between Ventura and Monterey accept of course for System Preferences.
For a start, it is not called System Preferences anymore, it is now System Settings.
This change, like a lot of others in Ventura, is to bring the macOS language, look and feel, in line with iPadOS and iOS. Clearly the operating systems that are calling the shots at Apple these days.
Don’t get me wrong, this is not a bad thing, but it just seems a little jarring at first.
The first thing that will strike you when you choose System Settings is it now a list rather than rows and rows of cheery icons.

More than that, settings are now under headings so finding things might be a challenge at first. In days gone by if you wanted Users and Groups, it was right there… you clicked on it. Now, this, and many other functions can be under the heading like General or Appearance.
So getting used to something new is fine, that comes with change but one thing this new interface does is add more steps… and that’s not cool.
For example I have noticed that printing a test page to, well, test a printer, is now a five step process where as in the past it was a four step process. I know, this seems petty but it is a step backwards and adds a layer of complexity that wasn’t there before.
For now at least the best we can do is channel our inner iPad user when using our newly upgraded Mac and before long, I am sure, we’ll be wondering what Macservices was whinging about.
1 comment
Hello there. I upgraded to Ventura, and immediately had problems using Final Cut Pro in the editing timeline with the audio. Also, I really HATE the new System Settings… The System Preferences were far better with the displayed icons, and much faster too. I told Apple as much. From my point of view, Monterrey was SO MUCH BETTER than this new Ventura. I really do regret updating to Ventura. I am now very hesitant to update to the latest 13.0.1. Apple do what they want to do, with scant regard to what their customers really want. They have a history of taking the good things away and replacing it with something much less. Everyone knows it.