FaceTime for all.

So like it or not we all got pretty familiar with the likes of Zoom or Teams in the last few years.

Even us Apple people-the ones that cling to the belief that computers can be fun to use – needed to veer away from FaceTime when one of our audience was a Windows user. Or worse, Android.

That’s because, let’s it face it, FaceTime has been an Apple users only club since its birth in 2010. This isn’t a problem if the Windows user in question has an iPad or an iPhone but who wants to run a business meeting on an 11 inch screen?

Well no longer. Last year Apple made it possible for anyone, even those suffering from a digital equivalent to Stockholm syndrome, to use FaceTime.

It’s easy but I would definitely practice before your next board meeting. So… lets!

Open your FaceTime app (likely on your Mac but it can done on any device) and click or tap on Create Link.

From here you can text it, email it… whatever you want.

In my example I emailed to my Windows alter ego (a virtual pc I have installed for accounting reasons ) and opened it in Microsoft Edge. Possibly the worlds worse web browser.

In the merest fraction of a moment the link connects to my FaceTime call and off we go.

Make no mistake, it is not as feature rich as the full blown FaceTime application but it gets the job done. This gives you the chance to continue with FaceTime instead of Skype thus ensuring your sanity will remain in tact for a little while longer. 

Permanent link to this article: https://www.macservicesact.com.au/facetime-for-all/

1 comment

    • Chris T on March 7, 2023 at 8:44 PM
    • Reply

    Dear Mr Willins. An interesting article about facetime. You have also belayed my concerns that my mac had a fault. You see whenever I use it to communicate with my friend I get the same scary man on the screen that seems to plague the unit you’ve used in your demonstration. So it seems my mac has not been possessed by a demon after all and it may just be a ‘feature’

    Iya Donna Getteet

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