Do you still need Zoom and Teams

Ah, Zoom and Microsoft Teams. These, along with FaceTime, were the unsung heroes of the pandemic, single-handedly keeping the world connected while we all huddled in our pajama bottoms. From awkwardly muted team meetings to the inevitable “You’re on mute” chorus, these platforms turned our living rooms into offices, classrooms, and social hubs. But now, …

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The Password App

Passwords! Oh, I’ve written alot of articles about passwords but it still remains one of THE computers issues for a lot of people. Some use password manager apps that cost them hundreds a year, some struggle with the free version that don’t sync with other devices but most struggle with a book that syncs with …

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The new Mac Mini

It has been a long held belief of mine that the fastest way to find anything that you lose is to buy it again. Time and time again headphones, watches, wallets and so on have gone missing. Weeks have been spent turning the house upside down but to no avail and the very day a …

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The Fake Link Scam

The fake link scam, the digital equivalent of stepping on a rake—painful, embarrassing, and entirely avoidable if you’re paying attention.  But hey, who among us hasn’t been tempted by a too-good-to-be-true offer or a mysterious message from a “long-lost friend”? In fact, full disclosure… I fell for the “long lost friend” email just recently. I …

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Making Safari better

More and more people are buying laptops these days and they have small screens – as well as other deficiencies that don’t make for ideal desktop computers. In addition to this, Apple have, seemingly, abandoned the 27 inch iMac so the biggest screen you can look forward to on a desktop is 24 inches. This …

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